Everything you need to know about male fertility
Problems with male fertility are often overlooked due to a common misconception, that as long as a man is able to ejaculate, he can become a father through natural conception. This is, however, not the case, and male infertility can be caused by a lot of different factors such as low motility and sperm count or abnormally shaped sperm cells. On this page, you will find a lot of different articles about male fertility, from the description of male fertility to how sperm is tested, and things to consider if fertility treatment shows not to be successful.
Learning more about male fertility
At All About Fertility, we have gathered experts from all around the world to write articles that provide you with the knowledge you need to better understand male fertility. The different articles answer some of the most frequently asked questions regarding the male reproductive system. Learn more about male fertility in general, how good sperm quality is determined, or what causes male fertility problems.
What is male fertility
Male fertility is the man´s ability to naturally conceive children. To most people, being able to have kids with or without a partner is taken for granted. However, what many people do not know is that approximately 9 % of men and 11 % of women experience fertility problems. According to WHO, couples are experiencing fertility problems when they have tried to conceive for over a year with no success. Luckily, there are different ways for men to improve their fertility and increase their chances of natural conception. We have divided our articles about male fertility into categories depending on the cause of infertility.
Klinefelter’s syndrome – A fertility success story to support others
What causes male infertility
Erection and ejaculation: Getting sperm to the egg
How to improve male fertility
One of the first steps in fertility treatment is to identify and treat the exact cause of the fertility problem. If infertility is caused by low sperm quality, there are some easy ways to try to improve the male fertility and hopefully solve the problem. For instance, it is possible to drastically improve your sperm quality by changing your diet and limit the use of substances like alcohol and drugs. Read more about male fertility and receive advice from experts around the world on how to improve sperm quality.
Is men’s sperm quality and number getting worse?
Being aware of your fertility, what should younger people know?
How does male fertility work? The basics of male fertility for women
Testing and treatment
The chances of conceiving with low sperm quality are limited. That is why it is important to have your sperm tested, if there is any reason to suspect a low sperm quality. A sperm test will clarify whether help is needed or if the sperm is capable to fertilise the egg on its own. Before having your sperm tested, it might be helpful to know how male fertility is evaluated, what a sperm analysis is, and how the result may affect your chances of conceiving children naturally.
What are varicoceles and why do they matter in infertility
Thinking about travelling abroad for fertility treatment? Things to consider
Sperm storage (cryopreservation)
The emotional side of infertility
No matter the cause, experiencing infertility issues will affect both the man and the woman in a relationship. When it comes to the emotional side, there will often be more attention to the woman and how she copes. However, it is also important for the man to acknowledge and work through the pain of a miscarriage or problems with infertility. The emotional side of struggling with fertility should be an important focus for both the woman and the man.
Talking to your children about having used a sperm donor
How to support your female partner through your fertility journey
The emotional side of male infertility on men
Using donor sperm
If there are no signs of success in fertility treatment, another option could be the use of donor sperm. One of the benefits of using donor sperm is that you maintain a genetic relation between mother and child. We have gathered experts from around the world to explain what to be aware of when using a sperm donor and personal stories from donor-conceived children.
Egg and embryo quality – What to know when the embryologist talks to you
From her own perspective: Life as a child of sperm donation
Reasons why men donate their sperm
After treatment
Fertility treatment is often an emotional journey, where you are constantly switching between excitement and disappointment. Therefore, the time after fertility treatment can be challenging, no matter if the treatment was a success or not. We have invited experts on the topic to share their thoughts on moving on from fertility treatment.
What are the risks of fertility treatment?
Life after infertility
Our Journey: Fertility treatment, adoption, and family
You can see all our articles on male fertility and infertility here.