There has been an increase in the number of research articles exploring the male contribution to miscarriage. Given that a normal pregnancy is formed from both an egg and a […]
A miscarriage is an experience which effects both the man and the woman in a relationship. This article tells you about the man’s side of a baby loss and how […]
Learn about the family who went through 6 years of fertility treatment, two miscarriages and then at last, completed their family through adoption. For many of us growing up there […]
Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) is common today. In fact, ART procedures have doubled in the US during the past 10 years. Urologist Kevin McEleny has spoken to four young women […]
This article provides basic information about the male reproduction system from the function of the organs to the difference of sperm and semen. Women have menstrual periods, women carry pregnancies […]
There tends to be a lack of knowledge among young people regarding fertility which can cause misinformed decision making on starting a family. In this article you will find information […]
A modern family: read about the experiences Was and Michael have had with surrogacy and egg donation in the UK on their journey to becoming parents. We’re Michael and Wes, […]
One in six couples in the UK is affected by infertility. Tom Webb is the Director of the documentary The Easy Bit which portrays six men’s experience with infertility. Tom […]
Klinefelter syndrome is a condition affecting boys and men born with an extra X chromosome. Chromosomes are present in all cells in the body and contain DNA. Some of the DNA […]
Learn more about the sperms’ journey through the genital tract and how germs, infections, and sexually transmitted diseases can affect the quality of the sperm. Male Genital Tract The male […]